Lists of Selected U.S. Reel Patents
A patent is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention for a limited period of time in exchange for publishing an enabling disclosure of the invention. Patents include drawings and descriptions of functionality, and are very useful for collectors and historians of fishing reels. Not every patent resulted in large-scale manufacturing of reels, but certainly most of them resulted in some reels. The patents may not be exactly what was finally produced.
We have consolidated all previous lists of U.S. fishing reel patents into a single search tool that enables you to filter and search for reel patents. This single tool is easier to use than the publicly available search tools because we have curated the list to cover many subclasses that do not contain the words “fishing reel” and may not be obvious to researchers. We will be adding to this list continuously. If you don’t find a patent using the ORCA tool, please use the other patent search tools and notify us of any missing items.
General Patent Search Tools
- Google Advanced Patent Search Tools for US and world patents
- USPTO Public Patent Search Tools
- Free-form look up of worldwide patents at the European Patent Office.