This section of the website provides information on Ocean City (OC) fishing reels and trade reels made by OC. Most information within is taken from old catalogs and ads.
This site is maintained by the Old Reel Collectors Association (ORCA) in tribute to the late Robert Paul Ellis, who developed this and other sites dedicated to documenting and preserving the history of old fishing reels. Robert Ellis was a very active member of ORCA and a member of the NFLCC. He passed away October 2013 and will be missed by all of us. He was a friend to many and a truly enjoyed this reel collecting hobby immensely. He passed away October 2013 and will be missed by all of us. He was a friend to many and a truly enjoyed this reel collecting hobby immensely. We all rely on help from other collectors to help out with these websites, so all of us can learn.

Contributors include Don Champion, John Elder, Rick Heitman, Jeff Johnson, Ray Hodges, Robert Bittner,
Daryl Rodenberger, Mark Williams, Jonathan Kring and Wayne Benson for their help and information.
Ocean City Editor: OPEN
Website Administrators: Rick Heitman, John Elder, Brian Funai, Matt Lollman, Paul Manuel, Matt Wickham